Fair thee well my friend

We start life as a tiny zygote and a mystical spark of life they claim. For three score and years ten is the span of men the Bible claims. Then lay we down we must and join back into the dust. Foe none of us is there absolute certainly. I choose to believe in a…… Continue reading Fair thee well my friend

But you can’t ever be a real woman (or man)

After my first question to the therapist, can you make this go away, we started talking about things and my primary issue was that I indeed could never be a “real” woman. This is something I’ve had to come to grips with, and it took up a great deal of mental energy at times. It…… Continue reading But you can’t ever be a real woman (or man)

Masculinity and Femininity

I’m reflecting here on things I’ve read, my current life and my life before all this started. To start with I’ve always wondered at the labels. It seems that the best we can be in this life is ourselves and not force a particular set of values and behaviors. Self confidence in who we are…… Continue reading Masculinity and Femininity

Bad Dreams

I don’t know where they come from. Perhaps they’re part of the communal transgender zeitgeist, a pulse we all feel where ever we are like an extended organism. Thrummm, Thrummm, it goes on and it occasionally crossed by a disturbance, a ripple in the fabric. Are these the sources of my anxiety? Is this why…… Continue reading Bad Dreams

Transition and GRS work well

A question that appears fairly often on Quora is about whether people regret transition and in particular GCS. The question is a good one from a lay viewpoint since even a naive knowledge realizes that such surgery is largely irreversible. The focus is, like many of these questions, on the MtF transitioner, ignoring FtM. FtM…… Continue reading Transition and GRS work well

Are Women more Emotionally Driven?

A juicy question that deserves more than the subjective answer I’m going to give. Yet I think it is valuable to consider the subjective truth from an individual’s viewpoint. It is the only direct knowledge I have on the subject 🙂 I’ve always been a fairly logical person. In making decisions I’m not overly swayed…… Continue reading Are Women more Emotionally Driven?

Reflections on four years full time

I’d like to starts with the hard stuff so I leave you with some more positive messages. As these years have gone by it has become more and more apparent how deep my losses have been. Not everyone’s go this deep and some go deeper. I’ve seen outright rejection, usually in a non-confrontational way. I’ve…… Continue reading Reflections on four years full time

Leave the Crucible Behind

There come times in all lives when we face difficulties and there are times when those difficulties are over. While there may always be those for whom recounting them will have value, there are many more who want to hear more positive news. It doesn’t matter what the ordeal was. The bout with cancer, mine…… Continue reading Leave the Crucible Behind